God as Mother is the most important aspect

Everything depends, on what you make your God   to be to you, and your relationships with your God and your stage. If God is Mother to you , then, there is no meaning in the belief of pleasing Her , with a loveless sycophant’s servile recitation of Her virtues and glories in an intellectual ornamental manner. None acts that way with one’s own Mother .There is every right for a child to demand enough food to satisfy hunger and to be protected against actual calamities and to demand and enforce Her not leaving you during your illness and hardest calamities. To be running to Her and weeping out all ebullition  of one’s grief in Her lap; to be making every confession of one’s folly and misdeed with every confidence or fearlessness; to be seeking protection and to be praying to be accepted , however wicked : – this is every child’s claim on Mother. Your rights and claims on your Mother are proportionate to and based on your love, service , devotion and surrender to Her  as your Mother.

Thus in a word, it is not for you to weigh  justice, while you live the life of mercifulness to one and all. You have surely to suffer in some cases, but you have all along the protection of the Divine Mother and the neutral world. Take now the other view. Even as it is , for a man of a spiritual aptitude , how poor is his brutal strength to hold his own against the wicked world ? Why not then make a virtue and a claim of what people call a weakness?

Regarding Akartritvam अकर्तुत्वम [ non-doership], ( KARTRITVA-BHAAVANAA-VIHINATVAM कतृत्व-भावना-विहीनत्वम ) , the irreligious man jumps and pounces and argues : ” In that case we are not responsible for all wrong, bad and sinful acts that we do “.

If you want to be really great , create the intermediate mentality : ” All my good actions are by Mother, all my bad actions are mine “There are three mentalities for the spiritual aspirant in this connection. First,” I am responsible for the good and bad actions “, Second, “Whatever defective things are done , are done by me, whatever good is done by me  is due to promptings of Mother “.  Third , ” Whatever I do good or bad , that I do as prompted by Mother “. If one has arrived at the third stage, by actual wading through the experiences , by the time he reaches that stage , all evil tendencies  and passions have subsided or even vanished .”

If you have honestly  reached that stage ,’ When you believe that every thing is done by you on prompting from Mother, you soon get suspicious , about your wrong thoughts  desires and actions as Mother can not be prompting you to do evil things . Evil suggestions and decisions can not be but yours. Suppose you have begun developing the idea that you are merely the instrument and that therefore you have left off all your censorship of your thoughts and actions. Further suppose by the remotest chance that some undesirable actions pass through your hands; in that particular case, if you are true to your belief , you have no right to question ” Why “, when you have to suffer. If your that action is of Her own will , your suffering also of Her will.

Akartritvam ( non-doership ) should not mean hand-folded sittingness, irresponsibility for bad actions or injustice crying about punishment for the same. And that is so because in fact, in the womb what appears to us as a complete non-doership, there has been always invisible sub-consciousness of doership.

In religious true understanding , there are so many seeming confusions  and contradictions , which are removable only by the Unseen hand , that works wonders  with an extremely delicate working , which laughs at the human limitations  of cause and effect, logic and reason , experiment and conclusion , proof and judgment.

The whole indefiniteness of our religious thinking arises as under : 1] Opposites often lie interpenetrating 2] All our judgment  are relative 3] The full data are never before us. 4] We always think with preconceived mind. 5] We are pulled away to one extremity or another. 6] So many truths can never be realized without actual experience etc.

Each teaching has its own relative value, for a particular mentality at a particular stage  and at a particular moment. A layman finds contradictions  because whereas all the teachings are huddled up in a book or a talk a few hours , his mind can not transform itself to see the consequential order between the seemingly contradictory things . Whenever you have religious difficulties, the best thing is to try to solve them yourself. Mostly you will succeed in finding the true solution. If you don’t then place your difficulty before your Guru maintaining every decorum and delicacy with your humility approach and respectful loving attitude. When God’s Grace opens up your eyes, Guru’s one word becomes more than sufficient with illumination.

Hence , Mai-ism insists God and Guru both, neither God alone , nor Guru alone. It is the spiritual Chaitanya that alone works . The spirit flows from God to Guru and from Guru to Shishya.

Teaching varies not only from one teacher to another, but from the same teacher to one man or another, not only that, but from the same teacher to the same man, according he is at one stage or another after some progress. The underlying truth is the aspirant is gradually led from on stage to another.

Instead of spending our life in a foolish impulsive way it is desirable to follow the Guru’s teachings of “Be doing righteous actions ” and of ” Don’t leave your duties “. We should not forget that we can not remain silent or action less even  if we so determined.

But when we see the fruit which we believe to be the result of  our action is adverse , we get despondent, sorrowful and dis-spirited.Here the Guru holds us up by giving us a second teaching . He says,” You can’t keep up your working vigourousness without the idea of fruit., and there is no certainty that every good action if yours  will be unfailing crowned  with a good result.The best mid-way therefore , is that you continue to have the consciousness of the fruit, but you dedicate away that fruit to God. ” Doing once duties  leaving the fruit as dedicated to God  is a satisfactory and countable stage.

But the aspirant can not all the time remain satisfied , with a stop there. He gradually entertains a desire to pass from the realm of action into that of inaction. He gradually practices the renouncing the idea  not only of the fruit but also the ownership and authorship and thereafter the memory of action. Gradually he begins feeling,” I can do nothing “. And finally believing  ” I am nothing “. He has to remain yoked to action, even while advancing in stages till actions leave him. The religious alchemy is ” dis-interested and God dedicated action ”  Be doing action ,yet don’t permit its  action-ness to degenerate you, that requirement is secured through God-dedication.”

On the soul reaching the higher stage, it is yet kept linked up with action. Then nothing can be so agreeable as taking up the work of  public religious welfare .  Finally a time comes , when the highly advanced soul’s devotion  and desire-less-ness and the consciousness of nothingness becomes so very overpowering, that it is impossible for him to do any miscellaneous inferior duties. It is only when that stage is reached that the teaching about ‘ Remain absorbed in Me’ becomes applicable.

This is only a rambling specimen of various kinds of weaving that can be made out of religious highest truths.

Man with all his boasts of Science with microscopes etc. has yet remained blind and his blindness is endless. Till now, man has not been able to bring peace, happiness or goodness. Evil has not been eradicated.  Founder says,” Take therefore the cash and let the credit go.” Live your life as straight as you can, conquer your mind . You have to practice theses principles of Love and Surrender with Service and Devotion spread around you with a universal outlook.

Regarding Akartritvam , let your prayer be  : I know neither virtue nor vice , nor I can withstand the falling  into the clutches of the latter. My only consolation is that I have burnt out all my egoism of being the actor and developed my faith in believing ,” I am doing what thou drivest me to do.”

On 2 – 7 – 1943, in Hubli the lady whom the Founder had accompanied to Ramanashram, was discussing the subtle-most subject of Sakama Bhakti. Said the Founder,” not only begging is bad , but the very offering of the demand prayer , in the first place means, you are discrediting Mother with not being able to know  what is passing in your mind. Further, if you are a devotee yourself, you are discrediting Mother with  a bankruptcy of Mercifulness. When we are praying with a demand we exhibit our ignorance, distrust and funkiness from self-surrender. When we are meditating, we are pulling the Formless and Attributes Mother, to be having form and attribute. When we are reciting hymns, we are trying to limit and deform the indescribable Mother. When we say, we are going to Mother, we are denying Her omnipresence. A true devotee of a Divine Knowledge is only in a whirlpool, what to consider ‘ as ought to be done ‘.

” I only pray to Mother in that stage of helplessness, thus : ” Take my mind to be Thy weakest child. Let my body be Thy temple, consider my any words to be Thy prayers , consider my walking moment to be  the holy Pradakshinaa प्रदक्षिणा circumscribing around Thee. Consider my any enjoyment to be an offering to Thee. “

Extract from the book : MAI-ISM




Divine Mother is the destroyer of pains and miseries.

The Divine Mother is the destroyer of pains and miseries. Especially, the pain caused by worldliness, births and deaths. The complete release from pain of any kind.

The Duhkha दुःख्ख  or pain may roughly in the worldly view be taken as arising from the three sources, viz., (1) Due to visible causes including other beings and even elements; (2) Due to the karma, which means the action-reaction law, omission of one’s duties and decisions, by dispensers of justice, etc., and (3) Impurity and sinfulness of the soul.
You are over-proud, lustful, greedy, etc., and therefore, you suffer, you are humbled, insulted, punished, filled with anguish and blotted with failures. This is the first source. Your only son after whose comforts you spent your whole wealth unthoughtfully, and became a beggar, turns faithless or dies. This is the second source. The said two kinds of pains or miseries are known as Bhautik भौतिक and Daivik दैविक , respectively.
The third source is that of the multiplication of miseries, due to perverted notions, crookedness, evil intentions, ignorance and slothfulness of the soul. This is called Atmik आत्मिक.
Sufferings due to Action-Reaction Law, as a corollary to the Re-incarnation theory, as also enjoyments, and therefore the actions, in a word Duhkha दुःख्ख, Sukha सुख, and Karma कर्म are mainly classified as of three types – Kriyamaana क्रीयमाण, Sanchita संचित and Praarabdha प्रारब्ध. Kriyamaana क्रीयमाण means summary of presents results. Say you insult someone and he slaps you. None of the two actions were destined. You save a child from accident, and the parents out of gratitude send you a rich present.

Sanchita is the sum total of your assets and liabilities. For every good or bad act of yours, including the smallest thought, word, desire, emotion. etc., there is reward or punishment.
 Just as the Central Board of all the different railways, with deepest concentration, arranges out a programme and a schedule of lines, number of trains, stoppages etc., so that the maximum possible convenience of the whole country be served, etc., so after full consideration, as to how to best cancel the assets and liabilities of each soul, programmes and details of every life are worked out, and each life is, so to say, chalked out in advanced.  
Relations of different souls, their dealings, their inclinations to one another, are all so intelligently and comprehensively interwoven, to form the details of each life, that there are three principles mainly secured :- (1) With the minimum number of lives, the maximum work of realizing the assets and paying of them liabilities, is done. (2) Every soul is given his free will, within certain limits, and even some success, as a result of his strong will, ,within certain limits, which are different for different souls and very extremely widely. (3) It is seen that on the whole , every soul as an individual has been progressing and getting better  from the point of experience and spiritual enlightenment and has been pitching his tent, nearer home. In details of every life and in the combination of several lives, there are certain relationships, dealings and happenings which must takes place as dead certainties. These details are called Praarabdha प्रारब्ध details. Praarabdha  प्रारब्ध literally means “begun” and is compared to an arrow discharged, which can not be revoked. 

Thus there are certain details, e.g., birth, wife, children, general outline of the standard of living, financial condition, relationship of being a creditor and debtor with other souls, natural inclinations , maximum capacities, attainments, general evolution etc.

Once this reincarnation theory is explained and accepted, the next difficulty raised is this :- ” If everything is going on and is enforced, as the action-reaction law, what is the use of devotion and Mother’s intercession ? “
The answer is, that the above law is the standing law. Every Law has however exceptions and there are special treatments as well, as also Queen’s Mercy, as also kind or severe individual treatment, during punishment. There the devotee is at an extremely great advantage. There is no partiality, as anyone who devotes to Mother has those concessions and considerations.

But the more important subtler facts are, that devotion brings about the intrinsic absolute change in the soul, so very automatically and imperceptibly. A truely religious devotee is so very careful of his actions , that his Kriyamaana automatically ceases.Regarding Sanchita, he forgets all his assets. He renounces his claim to all happiness he is entitle to, because he has secured much higher happiness. Change in him often creates a similar noble change in his creditors, as well.Further Mother gives him strong bearing power. Mother gives the steel armour, which defies all bullets discharged on the devotees as required by the Karmic Law. According to Mai-ism, as also Hindu scriptures , even Sanchita is burned away by devotion and what remains is the Praarabdha, which he has to consume out, by actually suffering.

A great devotee was suffering from piles and paralysis. The worshipped attended him, and washed his private parts. One day he questioned, ” Oh God, if you love me so much, why don’t you remove the disease itself ?” Lord said,” Praarabdha must be consumed out only by actual suffering.”
Further, the devotees have the advantage of suitable adjustments, as when sufferings should befall them. In a word, the devotee does not escape his creditors but has a very strong protection and a special treatment. He has the relief of liquidation. He renounces everything and the court takes charges of his assets and liabilities. Still further in the higher type of devotion, the minds which takes the cognizance of all sufferings is entirely absent, being absorbed in God and therefore the effect of suffering is least.

Yet still further, a true devotee of the highest order, is psychologically so molded that he has only one thought and one feeling and he says, “Mother’s Will is my will.”
One more point. Why should devotees forego their claims to all their assets? Suppose there is quite an extra-ordinary robber who very dexterously stole away some precious ornaments from a Prince’s palace. He has suffered, he has passed through rigorous imprisonment  and has been wise and is earning his bread by honest labor, in a small village.
Suppose a fire broke out in the village, and the thief, now a thorough gentleman saved a family and the prince has proclaimed a big prize for whoever comes forth and proves that it was he who saved the family from the fire.
Will he go? Will you go? He shudders at the idea, of having to go to very same palace and very same prince. He does not want to take any chance, lest the ornament of the palace may tempt him again and all his labour of evolution be again lost. He forgoes the prize. Even if someone said, it was he who saved the family, he would not admit it. To apply this illustration, to be able to have the opportunity of enjoying his dues, he would be placed in the tempting world once more. He may get the prize but there is again the chance of being tempted away and rotting under a rigorous imprisonment.

The relationship of Mother and child is so very sacred and secret, that during their communion, no deity dare peep, much less record what takes place.

Justice demands that a certain crime, say insulting the judge, is punishable with say a hundred lashes. Even a Henry, a prince, has to undergo the punishment, but the prince lashing will be quite different from a dacoit-lashing.








God taking delight in remaining as enslaved by devotees through devotion.


Devotion is a relationship between a person and God the Creator, Protector and Dispenser of the Universe including the whole of humanity. It is the tender most emotion of the devotee with the most persistent desire and effort to maintain the relationship at any cost, and at any sacrifice including even life-surrendering.It begins with desire of seeking protection from the dangers and difficulties that the devotee is beset with at every stage and step during his living.The man on the path of devotion accumulates his qualifications for the granting of the solicited protection by means of obedience to the commandments let down in scriptures, and serving saints and seeking their guidance, and molding the details of his life and living accordingly.
Once the seed of devotion is sown, the aspirant  progresses more and more speedily, because he is under the guidance of invisible souls and forces.From selfishness and worldliness he rises to selflessness and oneness with the devotee world of advance souls on the same path. Later, he no longer prays for relief, does not accept gifts and takes the highest pleasure in standing as giver of however little to others, and yet with the highest humility.

The protection seeker is a mediocre devotee ( Gauna Bhakta) and the giver who has been also endowed with divine knowledge is the superior devotee( paraa-bhakta ). The third stage of divine love is reached when the relationship between a devotee and his God has ripened to full reality of human relationship as in body and flesh. Thereafter, the universe and its complicated working and consideration of one’s own needs and conditions, as they arise from time to time, gradually slip away from the devotee’s consideration and concern, and become extinct. Nothing else remains except the Devotee, the God and the Love interconnecting them both. The surrendering of one’s everything and one’s self and the feeling of the most excruciating pain on getting the idea of physical or mental or spiritual separateness from one’s God, is the principal characteristic of the divine love. The idea of superiority and inferiority gradually vanishes, especially whenever, the devotee experiences the highest fervor of that love, amounting  to Passion. The readiness to do anything for the sake of one’s God,who is then his The Only One – The beloved is immeasurable and the only desire and goal is that of being ever in company with and in service of The Beloved. The devotee is , then, one with The Beloved and ever willing to merge The One Beloved, with fullest unification and identification, after the most complete  disintegration of the smallest thing in or about him, which can be traced, developed or magnified to establish or infer any separateness of his individuality from The  One  Beloved.

When a devotee reaches the stage of Divine Love, he has no demand, or desire and no expectation of return. Nothing else pleases him except companionship with The One Beloved. To be living with the mind, refusing to be  engaged  in anything else except what  relates to The Beloved is thorn piercing condition or out of water fish condition for him. Even if the mind is forcefully distracted by others on account of circumstances and requirements of life and living, it forcefully rushes back to The Beloved , as soon as free from other clutches. None else except The Beloved is felt as one’s own. There is a conviction that there is no higher pleasure. Whatever has any relation with The Beloved gets a dazzling and gives a dancing color and temperament . There is inner perfect faith that The Beloved though indifferent unkind and even seemingly cruel has been all the while viewing him, feeling for him and is ready to make sacrifice even much greater than his own.He feels as if he is in race with The Beloved in matter of entertaining greater intensity of  love and a greater readiness of making self-sacrifice, with the ambition of securing the glorious position of having been admittedly the greater giver, and the greater sacrificer.
He rejects supernatural powers and even sovereignty of the whole universe.

His joy is to be ever remembering His Beloved, and to be ever experiencing horripilation , throat-choking, sighs, sobs, tears outright laughing or weeping, dancing, prattling and absent mindedly ceasing to do anything. He gets above all notions all honour and dishonour, and of shamefulness and shamelessness, acts something rashly, motivelessly and meaninglessly, sometimes impatiently and behaves sometimes as if drunk or lunatic.

His permanent feeling is that he has nothing else remaining to be achieved, there is nothing else to be sorry or envious about, that he has perfected himself in every thing else . He has no fears even of dying, and has no other ambition. One thing about which he gets gluttonous in the companionship. He craves more and more for the constant touch with The Beloved and gets more and more dissatisfied with the love stages which he is , so rapidly climbing one after another.

He experiences that his Indriyas, organs of knowledge and action , the eyes etc., have risen in rebellion and have been determinedly refusing to do anything except what relates to the One Beloved. The portrait of his Beloved is dancing before his closed or open eyes. The heart and head is fully occupied with the Beloved and Beloved’s thoughts, leaving no space for anything else.  He feels he has sold himself away. He feels nothing else exists for him except him and his Beloved.He feels he does not exists at all. He feels nothing else exists except His Beloved. He feels everything is His Beloved’s and in the form of His Beloved.
Finally even though the ” I ” of his has disappeared, he becomes unable to bear, the idea that though it is the Beloved Herself, Mother, she should not have two aspects, even nominally viz., one as the lover in him and another as the Beloved outside him.He is unable bear the idea of himself being different from Mother or Mother being even temporarily imagined as different from him. Even the imaginary difference of the Lover and the Beloved, becomes too unbearable and there is the final most desire of complete mergence.

Reference and extract from the book : MOTHER AND MOTHER’S THOUSAND NAMES