Maiist’s Religious Ideals


Some of the  Mai-ist’s religious ideals are –

(1) Delimit God as little as possible.

(2) Get rid of all adornments and adjuncts at the stage when they are found to be obstructive.

(3) Every one of us is under the direct protection and guidance of God.

(4) Relation of man to man must be hundred times much better. Be we first a man, then a brother and there after alone, a religious man.

(5) Religion should not be a source of superstition.

(6) Religion is to be essence and experience of the life lived.

(7) Preachers are to be Witness and not lawyers.

(8) Religion should be accommodative, constructive and progressive.

(9) Religion must have a definite form and should not be an idealistic, incomprehensible, chaos-creating, airy and hazy something. Religion must provide for pruning from age to age.

Mai-ist’s devotional ideal :

‘ Practice feeling that you are a child – a child whom Mother could not but accept, however wicked. You automatically get confidence, you regain your innocence, purity and sincerity and you raise yourself above world-wormness, sexuality and selfishness. You are off your cares, time is eternity for you and life is lightened. Be Mother’s child and Her lap shall be thrilling and throbbing to have you on itself.’


Mother bless Thee, my dear Reader.

Dear Reader : –

Start from the stage on which you are, from the stage of world-wormness, enjoyment-desire-burstfulness, viciousness, sinfulness, rebelliousness, or devilishness. With sobs and sighs, flesh fails the very next moment and man runs to enjoy. Something within and something without drives him to commit sins. It is impossible for any human being to be calm and quiet and sinless so long as all his desires are not consumed to ashes in the fire of devotion and further so long as those very ashes are not swept away under the blessed beatific breeze of Mother’s Grace.

So long as you have not begged for Mother’s Mercy, your selfishness and scheminess will not disappear and your heart will not break and your individualism-cloak will not be torn to rags and discarded off by you. You will ever remain sinner, Beloved Reader, do thy best to guard against temptations and sins, etc., but having failed, do not despondently despair. This Master Key I hand over to thee. Wherever, however; thou be , link thyself with Mother, intertwine thyself, break thyself, hand over thyself to Her, even officiously and intrusively. Don’t waste thy precious moments and don’t bother thyself over thy own lot. Even at the worst it is much better than millions of others’ lots. Say out “Mother, I am what Thou hast wished me to be.”

If thou canst not love Mother because thou art not sure about ever Her existence, thou canst love Her Devotees and Her Children. If Thou canst love, at least serve them. Even if thou hast no heart, serve at least as thou servest thy creditors with prompt payment of dues. Serve at least out of consideration of thy own gentle-manliness and greatness. Serve others even as thy dependents or refugees. Don’t pervertedly argue thou hast been loving thy wife and children. Thou dost not love them and children of Mother. Thou art only loving and serving thyself in them.

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Wipe out all complications and confusions. Go to saint or a devotee as thou art. I humbly offer myself to accompany thee to go to Mother if thou canst not go Thyself alone.

Begin begin, at once , immediately. There is none who can stand security for thy next moment’s living. The mere utterance of Her sacred name is enough enlist Thee for ever. Stir up, start, run, Mother’s lap is thine. I have known it. I proclaim it to thee. Mother bless Thee, my dear Reader.

Shalt Thou remain a stone while I break into tears and fall unconscious on writing this ? Stones have wept, mountains have dusted and oceans have calmed at Her Will, at Her Devotee’s Will, at Her Surrender’s Will, at Her enlisted’s Will, at Her sacred Name Repeater’s Will, as each one of all these Wills is only Her Will for rejuvenating the universe and humanity with life, light and love. Mother Bless thee.

Jay Mai Jay Mai Jay Mai

Mother Bless All.









~Markand Dholkia

 The Founder of Universal Religion Maiism

[ Saint Mai Swarup Mai Markand ]

Please also refer to the following books :






Love begets love

Mai-ism believes that all acts of virtue, goodness, morality, justice, truth, etc. or their opposites can be subsumed under any of the three classifications, viz. love, indifference and hatred. Love opens up the treasure-house of all goodness, virtue, peace of mind and true happiness. Hatred results in betrayals, defiance, condemnation, injuries and harmfulness of the most painful and oppressive nature.

Mai-ism lays the highest emphasis on loving all and hating none, and enjoins leaving all questions of any injustice, any omission of return or remuneration or ingratitude, etc. to Mai, through the next two tenets of Devotion and Unconditional Cheerful Self-surrender.

It is a practical universal truth, that love begets love and service is only the manifestation of Love, in the practical visible and describable form.

~ Extract from the book: Mai-ism Chart Explanation 

Author: Mai Swarup Mai Markand

Mai Niwas Saraswati Road End Santa Cruz West Mumbai 400054 India  


Religion is to be seen in the life you live

Once let it be firmly established that a man deaf and a dumb, a man lame and blind, a man with no education and no schooling, can be religious under Mai-ism. Let that first delusion go. Religion is to be seen in the life you live and not in words you speak or right or in some particular external ritualistic actions or observances that people call as religious. Unless you have a conviction of the said nature, you will never turn your whole-concentrated heart to making your life much nobler and superior. What is it that finally counts? Your joys and sorrows, your actions, thoughts and words, which go to the effect the joys and sorrows of yourself and all around you and the world. Let the deluded notions about the religion once for all go. Then alone, we can set ourselves to the task of achieving a solid improvement.

~ Extract from the book :MAI-SM

Author: Mai Swarup Mai Markand


Who is Mai of Maiism

Mai literally means Mother .  Mai of Maiism is the Finalmost God conceived as Mother.

Any idol or image, symbol or emblem, picture or the sacrificial altar or any object, installed anywhere, either in a Church, or a Temple, or a Mosque or Synagogue, and worshiped by any people in any manner and any mode they decide , with any gospel or scriptures  they prefer, but base on the conception that it represents Universal God, whether Mother or even Father or Jointly as Mother & Father etc., easily propitiable on living the life on the lines of the above stated tenets, by itself, is Mai or the Universal Mother..

Mai that works through three powers of desire, knowledge and action and handles all beings through three principal moods of equilibrium, action and inertia.
Mai has the visible forms of fire, sun, moon and dawn; Mai that is the soul of whatever enraptures us as beauty, sublimity, mercy and compassion; Mai who is in the form of the guru or an assemblage of gurus. Mai that is known in common parlance as nature, divine law providence, time, primary desire, force, power, energy. evolution or chance; Mai that resides in individuals as the serpent power (Kundalini); Mai that is one, few, many and all as conceived by any soul. Mai that is beyond the conditioned state of being He, She or It. Mai that is all and not all, beyond being personal or impersonal and beyond being with or without forms and qualities.
Thus Mai is what any rationalistic religious Man’s conception can possibly be.

Mai is the Hindi word for ‘ Mother ‘. Mai-ism is the Universal psychological rational religion round the  conception of the Motherhood of God as well, along with the Fatherhood of God mostly prevalent till now all over the world and even preferably for them that appreciate it more.Mai is the Universal Mother of all human beings without any distinction of religions, nations or communities etc. ” Mai ” under the preciseness of Mai-ism, further carries the notion that Mai is the Universal mother of all, who is most pleased on living the life of Universal Love and Service with Devotion, and unconditional cheerful Self-surrender to the Divine will.

Mai is essentially the ocean of infinite Love and Mercy. Mai is human mother, vested with all Powers, and raised to infinity and Godhood. In spite of all this bewildering majesty and petrifying power, to a Mai-ist. Mai is, what a human mother is to her child.

Some of the specific distinguishing  features of Mai-ism are : –

(1) It Seeks the reconciliation and unification of all different individual religions. 

(2) It raises the status of Motherhood, Sisterhood, Daughterhood and Womanhood to be co-equal with the  Fatherhood, Brotherhood, Sonhood and Manhood.Mai-ism believes that in as much as  the whole world is pervaded with and works with the masculine and feminine elements , forming component parts as proved even by science, no religion and no progressive evolutionary process can be perfect without the acceptance of the co-equal status of man and woman.

(3) Requirement, theology and philosophy of a Universal Religion should be as simple and uncomplicated as can be selected  by way of truely conscientious practitioners. Simplicity is stated to be the ” Charm ” of Mai-ism. 

(4) For them that have a special attitude, Mother and Child relationship between God and man is extremely, efficient for all reliefs, and spiritual or religious progress.

(5) Everyone has one’s own right in the matter of selecting one’s own path for evolution or religious progress. 

(6) In all other matters, except universality, love, service, devotion and unconditional cheerful self-surrender, every one has one’s own full freedom of choice of action, provided the action is harmless, moral, just, legitimate and religiously permissible.

The all-appealing attractivity of Mai-ism arises itself from its broad-based spontaneous simplicity.The reconcilliatory re-adjusting power of Mai-ism proceeds itself  from its religious recognition of all beings’ divine right of demand and choice, in respect of freedom, peace and happiness. The subterranean  spring of Mai-ism for the perennial supply of surviving stamina and security sprays from the sublime supreme MOTHER-CHILD RELATIONSHIP.

There should be no misunderstanding about Mai-ism being something separate from any of the existing established religions . Mai-ism only a synthetic essence of all religions.

Mai-ism is Hinduism or Christianity or say any religion. BUT NOT THAT ALONE. A mother is the mother of each one of her children but yet not of  any child alone. Mai-ism is a larger circle which include all smaller circles without tackling or touching or disturbing the integrity of any smaller circles. it is a parental religion of the  most merciful parent. THE MOTHER which keeps reconciliation  of all individual religions. 

~ Saint Mai Swarup Mai Markand ( The Founder of Universal Religion Maiism )

Mai Niwas, Saraswati Road End , Santa Cruz West Mumbai 400054 India.

NOTE : – Mai-ism was represented at All Faiths’ Conference at Nasik ( India ) in 1933 and the Indian Philosophical Congress at Poona ( India ) in 1934. Maiji was invited to Japan for the World Religious Congress in 1955. Maiji was the Sub-Councillor-in-Chief of the International Religious Federation which was started in Japan in 1955.

Maiji had been elected as VICE PRESIDENT and spiritual MINISTER for PEACEFUL HUMAN RELATIONSHIP & Universal Religious Alliance ( U.R.A. ) in Havana, Cuba for SIX YEARS FROM 1959 TO 1965.

The most appreciated representation  of Mai-ism was at the Universal Religious Alliance World Congress held at Havana in Cuba from 23 October 1959 to 22 January 1960. Mai-ism was explained, discussed and commented upon in the World Congress by Revered Sister Duchesse Blanche Ledran, the Grand Chancellor of the Universal Religious Alliance. Mai-ism received the greatest approbation in this World Congress of the Universal Religious Alliance, which has a standing of over five decades. In fact it is one of the most important universal religious institutes. As stated in the Preliminary Report pertaining to the Congress held on 23 October 1959, the complete attendance at the Congress was around 3800 persons 2184 of which intergrated about 318 different official delegations, which came from 96 different countries. The representation was of 449 different sections  and sub-sections  of religious and various organisations. Further more, 43 countries had sent their official observers. Appreciation and truest understanding about  Mai-ism by the  said World  Congress would be evident from these words; ” We have received valuable literature from all quarters of the world, which amply reveals  that the regeneration of man is at hand, as well as that a new age ( Aquarian )is being ushered in taking the shape of  a brand new Spiritual Civilisation. We recommend such sources of research. We recommend Mai-ism and the Mai Institute of Santa Cruz West, Bombay – 54, India”. ~ Extract from MOTHER’S MESSAGE.

Mai-ism with three Trios

Mai-ism brings down six thousand six hundred and sixty six things to six things only. Six things are also reduced to three trios: [1] Humanity, Love and Service [2] Mother, Devotion and Self Surrender and [3] God, Guru and disciple. Take up any trio and fire on. Mother speed you. No handicaps of what to dine, when to bathe, whom not to touch, which temple, which river , which pilgrimage place , whom to marry, which saint, which priest, etc. etc.


579. Come what may Don’t leave Mother’s Lotus Feet. You have a right to the Mother’s Feet and Lap. It is enough that you had tried your best not to be pulled out, and that you have again returned. You are again welcome to your safe corner of purity and rest and peace. Run back at the earliest opportunity. Your righteous living must become so interwoven in your life, that whenever you make a departure you are filled with a unique uneasiness and confusion. You must be so guile -less-ness-stamped in your face that even the dullest man of the world would detect you out, and force you to be driven back to your corner, with a little suffering. Develop your mind to be so sensitive that you yourself can’t remain composed, till you have vomited out your wrong actions, intentions, sins, faults and follies.


I assure you from my personal experience. If you are a devotee, Mother saves you only with a slight reproach and a warning and a little loss. She changes the minds of the people. How rarest thing it is for the world to meet a man, who makes confessions with repentance and resolutions not to repeat the folly? You should feel as a fish out of its waters. Mother is sure to save you if there is a slight weakness and no systematic wickedness, provided there is a burning desire to retrace the steps to your corner. Mother helps you in such cases. most miraculously. It is the Divine Arrangement that saints are harassed by the world, even on false accusations and without rhyme or reason to make them more and more unattached to the world and to be pulled towards God.

A saint’s life gives multi coloured silent pictures of multi-minded characters. Often the nearest persons remain in dark about a saint, except at the end, when it is too late to mend. Very often saints have Satans hovering over their heads, and angels craving constant association at any cost, at their feet, from the very same inmost environment, that enjoys the unique privilege of the nearest ties.

A saint’s avowed goodness, greatness, and Godliness attract all varieties of human nature around him, with an assured fearlessness, friendliness and forgiveness, and there is nothing that gives a more solid spiritual elevation than the closest continued contact with a saint. A miniature world with all that is best and worst in this big world, of human nature, reveals all secrets, in this shortest time- period, provided your approach and attitude is full of love, service, devotion and surrender to your Guru and God.

580. Nip in the bud very vicious thought, wish or action. Let the improvement of others be now, only a side activity or a by-product of your life. Let that infatuation of “duty” go. A general high sense of duty must be uniform and of the same intensity, and not restricted to wife and children only. Every man has his duty towards God, himself,, Universe, parents, brothers and sisters and neighbours and posterity as well. Wife and children themselves, although fully mature and discreet, never think about the indispensability of your care and protection, as much as, you are dancing about, under the name of duty. Just once make a search of their hearts. You are simply delusioned, by your own desires and infatuation and various urges. You are simply justifying your indulgence with the overwhelming, intimidating, self-delusive word of duty. Why not be true to yourself and say ” I have not risen above infatuation and attachment.”? You can’t save yourselves and are along throughout life under the delusion ” I must protect them as guardian, otherwise they will have the most miserable fate.” You have to play your inevitable part alone, with the least attachment. Every man who has worked hard and gone out of righteousness has the feeling of disgust at the end , when he finds or rather discovers the real mentalities of them whom he had all along looked upon as helpless dependents and dying without him and as ready for every sacrifice for him, when he sees things quite incompatible with his lifelong exertions and expectations. In the case of workers for religion and world’s welfare, that is also prearrangement when Mother makes some to be an instrument for the particular work for humanity. After maturity of restlessness, dispassion and non-attachment, you have to escape at the first available opportunity.

581. That is the way of the world and that is the way of true saints. The world’s way is: ” catch the server, worship him, raise him to skies, so long as he serves,” and the world continues to serve. When that ceases ” dash him to the ground and shoe-beat him. The saint’s way is “Get you minimum. Surrender yourself to the lowest. If you get entangled, take out one thorn with another of the world. Hang up your whole world packet on the neck peg of some Khan Saheb, who is more than a match for all worldly wicked ones and bolt away.”

The North pole and South pole men may meet at the Equator, to satisfy their individual needs and foods. Need satisfied, each one repeals another and return to one’s natural residential pole. Make your dependence on the world and your family, even wife and children as minimum as you can. Remain temporarily surrendered to the humblest in the lowliest manner, without sacrificing your character, virtue, devotion and religion. Welcome them and those situations, in clutches whereof your prarabdha (destiny) places you. But, don’t fail to slip away to your corner, at the first chance. The meeting of persons of the opposite persons of opposite poles can be happy for a few hours only. Depart, therefore, with the quickest exchange good grace, memory, and even a craving in the heart of others, to meet you again.

Live in the midst of the world, without catching its colour, with self-surrender to Mother’s Divine Will, like a spread up burnt cloth, with all its beauty and designs etc. really turned to ashes. Only thing, don’t escape quite prematurely or immaturely, simply because of the worldly agree-ability of a loving wife or a decent earning not there. If you are a failure in this world itself in the matter of undertaking responsibilities, impatiently suffering all disagree-abilities, in exerting and sweating to keep yourself and your family running in the normal manner etc. then mere saffron robe and head tonsure can’t help you to conquer your internal enemies and climb the staircase of salvation.

Your living as a householder or a relinquisher of the family life is a matter of much less importance than the reality about how you live every moment of your life itself. You have to pay off your contracted debts and get matured against the triple fires of worldliness. As soon as you are nearing the mark, automatically all the circumstances of life will change, to create a position suited to your new requirements, a good deal in advance of your actually reaching the new higher stage.

~ Extract from the book Mai-ism , Author : Mai Swarup Mai Markand