The grace of a Personal God is more easily attainable than the Impersonal God.

Mother’s hand is ever uplifted hand. She is the giver of the boons to all Devas, Daityaas and Devotees. As known to all, the hand is the instrument and emblem of giving.

Mother’s Devotees have stated, “Mother, Thou alone an exception. Other deities raise their hands only when they desire to confer gifts, achievements, protection and demands. Thy one hand is ever raised. The order of happening in the case of Thy Devotees is not first  their propitiating Thee and thereafter Thy permitting to them ask the boon and then Thy granting the boon. That ceremonious part is not there because Thou art Mother. Thou findest unnaturalness in all that procedure as Mother. Thou consirderest that process to be a silly one as if Thou wert unable to know what Thy devotees stand in need of. What mostly happens is that Thou removest the cause of sorrow , pain and misery before they demand.”

In Gujerat there is a well known paradoxical saying , ” Mother does not see the face of anyone hungry,”. The explanation is , that  as soon as the hungry person thinks of going to Mother, one get’s one’s food through someone. Similarly here too, asking and granting of the boon is dispensed with. What other deities do by hands, that is done automatically by resorting Mother’s Lotus Feet.

~ Vardaa वरदा – Granting boons. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 331

Extract from the book : Mother and Mother’s Thousand Names

Author : Mai Swarup Mai Markand


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Non practising advocate ( Bar Council of Maharashtra ). Servant of God as Universal Divine Mother Mai & Saint Shri Mai Swarup Mai Markand ; follower of Universal Religion of Mai-ism, Mai Niwas, Saraswati Road End, Santa Cruz (West), Mumbai 400054, India.

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