Mai-ism says,” First enlist yourself as Mother’s devotee and then leave everything to Her.”



Mai-ism is extremely practical. Its long and perhaps even tedious instruction should not cause any disappointment. Once Mother’s Mercy and Guru’s Grace are secured and retained, Mai-ism tells you, most assuredly, you are sure to pass. Your three fourth of the work is done. You have simply to fill up your terms to pass. You are made to pass.  Only thing is, how many years you are required to be under the coaching is a matter of your capacities and exertions and studiousness. You can’t be allowed to leave the study as an imperfect man. Mother, Herself will not leave you, till you have reached the perfection.

It must have been quite clear from the reference the previous pages to the “Process of evolution for Mother’s Followers on attainment of Guru’s Grace and Mother’s Mercy,” that there are series of stages to go through. It looks at the first sight, as if there is something like an imperfection with Mai-ism, as there is no emphasis laid on celibacy, self-control, virtue, self-realization, etc. There is nothing like a direct recognition and the mention of the importance of virtue, austerity-attainment, mental tranquility, meditation and so many other things, which appear indispensable for a religious life or a substantial evolutionary progress.

The answer is this. It is not that these things are not to be passed through or that there is any exemption for a Mai-ist. But, Mai-ism wants Mai-ists to pass through these practices for attainments, under the fullest protection and in safest hands and guidance of God and Guru, so that, the journey may be surest, smoothest, shortest, surest and speediest.

Mai-ism asks Mai-ists to leave it to Mother, through what circumstances or ordeals to take them, and what valuable experiences to enrich them with. Mai-ism says,” First enlist yourself as Her devotee and then leave everything to Her.” 


~ Extract from the book: MAI-ISM Notes 656-657

Author: Mai Swarup Mai Markand 



Mother is pleased by continued repetition of Her name, hymn and prayer

Righteous living, goodness, happiness-conferring and fragrance-spreading have been spoken about. Righteousness and goodness are no doubt the most admirable requirements for being happy but they are only the entrance gates of religiosity. Many more things are required to be happy and that is because everyone does not act righteously. Just the reverse of it, the righteous man is generally most crushed because he offers the least resistance and is of a harmless and forgiving nature. The world’s way is to curse the good man for not being better and to thank the bad man for not being worse, as only that way one’s self-interest is best served. In this world, there are many unknown and uncontrollable forces and happenings and therefore in addition to goodness and righteousness, one needs the Grace of Controller of the Universe.

“Being good”, is conveyed in the first requirement of  Mother’s Ideals, viz., “Love All”. It includes the requirement of a good and superior heart but goodness will remain barren unless it is translated into action. This is conveyed in the second requirement, viz., “Serve All.” Love without service is unfruitful. It has not the material substance to keep the flame ablaze. Service without love does not bring bliss to the server or the served. Thus Love and Service should go together. Further even service with love or love with service is found to be not enough for being happy. We than an acquaintance with higher happiness which laughs at all kinds of little happiness that this world can give. Hence “Devotion to Mother,” is the third requirement which we are dealing with here. The third requirement means “Be the pet child of the Controller of the Universe.”

Mother is pleased by the frequent repetition of Her names which is the simplest method of securing Her Grace. This must be done without any idea of prohibitions of time, place, manner and even bodily condition.

Repetition must be practiced until your tongue becomes so accustomed that it will go on doing its work without physical exhaustion, exertion and even consciousness, just as some have the habit of unconscious leg-shaking. One devotee says,” Oh tongue, why I have flattered and flattened thee with most dainty dishes!! Why, if it is not with the hope that thou will not prove faithless, and will not fail to save me by repetition of Mother’s sacred name!!

She is further pleased by stotras, which mean age-borne popular hymns and psalms.

She is further pleased by Stuti Mati स्तुतिमती, which means the mentality (Mati – मती) to feel grateful for whatever good is found and happens and to offer prayers of thanksgiving for the same.

~ Mother and Mother’s Thousand Names

Author: Mai Swarup Mai Markand

Mai Niwas, Saraswati Road End, Santa Cruz West , Mumbai 400054 , India.