Mother is the very essence of all mantras

By concentration on Mother as a mother, the supreme divine energy of loving others results in trying to identify oneself with Her as Hers. Gradually the perception of the fullness of the individuality is felt and the development of such perception is later more and more experienced, Identification stated above is Concentration or Anusandhaan अनुसंधान, Perception is Mantra-Siddhi मन्त्रसिध्दी or the success of the mantra repetition and the full development is Anubhavaअनुभव or realisation.
According to the Mai-istic creed, there is no higher Mantra than Jay Mai Jay Markand Mai and the practice of getting a certain desire fulfilled by repetition of a certain mantra personally or through a representative is discountenanced. Mantra repetition can be only for getting the Grace, or for a prayer to some good purpose, mostly for others, and without any selfish return.
Once it becomes a conviction that it is Mother and Mother’s Grace that gives or does a certain work, the whole outlook is entirely changed. There is no marketing, no mechanical doing of something, somehow, leading us somewhere, no bargaining with the deity, no chasing and no cheating.”YOUR’S IS TO PRAY, AND IT IS HER WILL TO GRANT OR NOT”.At every step in this life, there is some difficulty of illness, affliction, poverty, painfulness, etc.
How long to wonder and how often to break one’s head and empty one’s purse, in the search of almost a mirage!!! Mai-ism says “miseries will be endless”. Make yourself proof to them. Seek Grace, pray without despondency in case the prayers are not heard. Practise living cheerfully., with the spirit of self-surrender, in any circumstances. Further, as a result of the grant of the request, a devotee does not get deluded as a Siddha (if at all there is any), because he does not consider himself to be the giver or the worker. Unnecessary fuss and bossing due to a little better knowledge of rituals or sacred word has no dancing platform. MOTHER NEVER FAILS, TO DO WHAT IS BEST IN THE INTEREST OF HER DEVOTEES, ON PRAYING TO FOR RELIEF.
Readers would not rest satisfied until they know, if this theory is supported by practical experience, and I may reply to them. ” There are experiences, which would take volumes to narrate, of prayers by devotees that have been heard by Mother.” I am not talking of old grand-mothers tales or hearsay’s and rumors of some Bhaktaas in past. I am referring to the experiences of myself, as great an atheist as any of you, who wants things to be proved to him, as in a civil court, supported by ample outside independent evidence.
A Mai-ist should not forget that this granting of desires, is with the ultimate desire of attracting Her children to Herself.
There is the other side, as well. Mantras have laudable uses, when (1) they serve magnetic healing or abating of diseases, etc., for very general abating of miseries;
(2) For ornamental grandeur, decency, poetry, sublimity, purification of place and mind, inviting a deity or seeking grace, or (3) as spiritual diplomacy to pull out disciple from the mudmire of worldliness by offering baits under the temptation of the benefits, gradually introducing him to the higher world of God, Guru, Devotees, etc. (although through a selfish motive to start with), and making him ascend the spiritual ladder, rung after rung.
This use, however, of Mantra by way of a spiritual diplomacy, for the welfare of the disciple, becomes at once apparent. Such a Mantra-worker is purely a selfless man, and work for a selfless purpose without any specific desire.

~ Saint Mai Swarup Mai Markand / Mother and Mother’s Thousand Names

Saint saved from hostile village raid

To reach the stage of being able to understand and appreciate how wonderfully Mother manages to save situations of Her devotees is in itself a blessedness, denied to so many of us. ~ Mai-ism book Note No.289 Author: Mai Swarup Mai Markand

A wandering saint with a small dog and a lantern, on entering a village by night, was not given bread and driven to a distant tree. A tiger killed the dog and a hurricane broke the lantern. The next morning, he learnt that the neighboring hostile village had raided the place, and killed each and every one of the residents. The bread-less driving out, the barking dog killing, and the betraying lantern extinguishing were for saving him!!


~ Mai-ism book Note no. 764 A  (Mai Swarup Mai Markand)