Mother Mai is in the form of truth , wisdom and bliss

Mother is both knowledge and ignorance, the high class joy and worldliness joy.

Those who worship ignorance, enter into deep darkness. Those who worship knowledge , enter into highest lights. What one likes , that he seeks, What he seeks that he collects knowledge about. Seeking and knowing how, he gets approach to the sought. What one is in contact with, that attracts him. What attracts him that he exerts to possess. Finally deleting the intermediate process, what one likes, that he gets.

The important physic law is that the illuminated gets more and more illuminated and the deluded gets more and more deluded.

Satya-jnaana-anada-rupaa सत्यज्ञानानंदरूपा – In the form of Truth, wisdom and bliss. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 791

The reverse meaning is brought out thus : –
सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपा = सत्य +ज्ञान + आनंद + रूपा  // सत्य + अज्ञान + आनंद + रूपा

The entire absence of joy or the continuous feeling of being miserable, for them that do not know Mother (Sati, Thee) or the imitative or delusive joy arising from the worldwormness and sense living of them that are in dark regarding Mother (Thee), respectively. These two, as also the joy of the truely wise and followers of truth, all proceed from Her (Thee), and are making of Hers (Thine) and are aspects of Her (Thine) alone.

Dearest reader, if thou hast love for me , repeat and repeat the above para, substituting Thee and Thine for Mother, Her, Hers and Her, etc. for the sake of thy love for me at least. From “The entire” to “alone”.

i.e.  [ The entire absence of joy or the continuous feeling of being miserable, for them that do not know THEE or the imitative or delusive joy arising from the worldwormness and sense living of them that are in dark regarding THEE, respectively. These two, as also the joy of the truely wise and followers of truth, all proceed from THEE, and are making of THINE, and are aspects of THINE alone.]

It has made me loose myself at 9 A.M. of Friday, 9 January 1940 .
The joy of them, that are blessed with wisdom, knowledge of Truth and

experience of bliss, as well as that of those drowned in ignorance and worldliness due to absence of relationship with or atleast, knowledge of Her, are both Hers.

And it is this, that explains why true devotees of Mai enjoys everything , even ignorance , worldliness, irreligiosity and atheism, and are not ruffled thereby, and are never driven to hating others; as in the case of religious persons of other creeds. A Mai-ist is very broad in his outlook. He says,” Well, if the joy of the particular soul lies in evil, let him be happy there with. It is all Mother’s play.”

Extract from the book: Mother and Mother’s Thousand Names /  Mai and Mai Sahasranam

Author ” Mai Swarup Mai Markand

The highest proof of the Mother’s Mercifulness

The highest proof of the Mother’s Mercifulness is, that for the smallest effort of any striving aspirant, he gets a permanent benefit, that helps him, not for one life alone, but for lives and lives.

In fact, true Religion is a science of not only improving your externals, but also and mainly, your own internal instruments and faculties, and transferring and sublimating your mind, heart and your own very Self.

Further, the most secret point of a guiding principle, in the serial arrangement of events, circumstances, and conditions in the chalked-out life for every being, has been that of the alternate following of opposites.

Without this, life would have been unbearable and all exertion for progress would have been discouraging and tiresome. Pleasure and pain, success and failure, perspiring work and undisturbed peaceful rest, rise and fall, march and retreat, have been designedly made to fill up alternately the long decades of a period of each and every human life.

There are extremely few cases of “no joy” and “misery” all alone at a long suicide-suggesting stretch. A little feasting has been always provided after every fasting.

It is ignorance that gives you a Bliss. If people could see what is passing in the minds of others, whom they deal with, three-fourths of the worldly happiness and bliss would immediately evaporate.

We are all dancing, so long as we are in the Bliss of Ignorance.

By your experience, you know, there is no knowing when good comes out of bad and when bad comes out of the good.

~ Extract from the  MAI-ISM BOOK , PROLOGUE SECTION.

Author: Mai Swarup Mai Markand

Mai Niwas, Saraswati Road End, Santa Cruz West, Mumbai 400054 India.