What Guru gives that much alone Shishya gets


I come back to the oldest of old truths. Your benefit is to be measured in terms of your oneness with your Guru , the intensity of your oneness, the intensity of your self-surrender, love, service and devotion to your Guru. The period of your contact ; the repetition of your Sadhana and time given for settlement and maturity. What Guru gives that much alone the Shishya gets.  As many Rupees annas and pies the Shishya get. The rest is all delusion and consolation; the crucial-most truth for the modern world that hates the very idea of Guru.

My hearts throbs to declare . ” All my labors on them that were not impregnated with the candid and ardent spirit and felling of a Shishya towards Guru are lost.”

A mother asked her son to fetch water from a pipe. The boy goes with a vessel and shouts , ” Mother I don’t get water. ” Mother looks. He has held vessel above the pipe. Mother shouts,” You can’t get even a drop unless you hold your vessel below the pipe. The son holds the vessel below the pipe. Again he shouts, ” Mother I don’t get water. ” Mother looks. He has not held it exactly below the spray. Mother shouts, ” You can’t get it unless you are holding your vessel in the very same straight line.” The son holds it in a straight line. Says he,” Mother, I don’t get water.” Mother shouts ,” don’t hold your vessel inverted.”

The Founder says,Don’t expect a single drop, unless in the first place , you have a conviction , you are lower than the Guru. Your juggleries of sweet words , little small nominal services, your cheating with two oranges and three plantains , won’t do.”

Secondly you be in his straight line. Don’t expect pipe to shift its mouth to be line with your vessel. Thirdly if you are already full of perversion , all teachings turn poisonous  like the milk to a serpent. If you turn perverted later, one variety of which is treacherousness to the Guru himself , even then you can’t continue  to carry a single drop.

Every one can’t be perfect from the first day. One has however a way out., ” I will be wicked to the whole world but  not to my Guru. “I will be thinking and practicing all impurities, but not during the moments I am in presence of my Guru. ” This much accepted and observed , put the whims-hurt machine into vigorous action, till the smallest atom of  a charge become tremendously huge charge.

Guru-Droha , treachery to the Guru, is the highest religious crime.The Guru teaches his disciples and allows him to learn everything and then the fellow turns to break and becomes a different man altogether , as if he had never has met his Guru. Their perverted mentality is this. They think they have an as good right to God or deity, and Guru is only an intermediary  nuisance, just like a peon of an officer. He is simply to be kelp pleased with four-anna-piece. ” Once we are admitted in , we know how to kick the Guru. ” Such people think themselves within their minds  to be much greater than the Guru.  Such people have no idea of the Divine working.  They rely too much on their intellect, and think they have the last card   in their sleeve , of shedding two tears before God  and Guru with a few word  of repentance.

Persons believe that , once they have agreed to do a little something of a prayer or worship, not a single misery should befall them, as if Mother has enslaved Herself  to them for a few crumbs of prayers. They rush on their Guru , get wrathful. Abandon all relations with God and Guru forgetting all life long benefits . When they again gets kicks and slaps they return to God and Guru.

Only few days back, one person came to the Founder, after a long disconnection. He most seriously said,” I was determined not to come to Mother and to you but I finally decided. Let Mother be a Kumata ( wicked mother ) , but I should not be a Kuputra ( wicked son ).Of course he was seriously hurt in financial prospects and had a painful setback. But he would never bring in his former huge uplifts through Mother’s Grace , or his unfitness, unfavorable circumstances , worldly enmity or Prarabdha etc. This is highest height of  a perversion which the Founder had never dreamt during his whole life.  Just the reverse of what we have learnt from centuries, taught by Shri Sankaracharya  .” So many sons have become wicked  but no mother has yet ever become wicked. ” Please note, I am not talking of some villagers  or uneducated or penniless people . My experience has been drawn from the society of the highest middle-class and highest education.

My labors are amply rewarded if I am leaving one lesson after me viz., the indispensability of a Guru ( be he whomever you select and change him whenever you decide ), and the strict disciplinary observance of the Guru-Shishya relationship. If you can’t be true , good, just and faithful to one person out of millions around you , whom you select , where is there even a phantom of hopefulness for the results  of  a solid Sadhana ? By Sadhana, I mean the smallest effort for the achievement  of the smallest thing about one’s religious progress.

For spiritual progress, a time does arrive  when you have to say goodbye to the world . We may or may not leave homes . One Mai-istic formula is Bhagjana, Bhulajana, Milajana and Mitjana ( run away, forget, live  with Guru , wipe out individuality).

Create maximum leisure by reducing your outer wants and activities. Minimize your responsibilities and conserve your energies. Keep yourself in a company of a superman, for as many moments of your every day as you can. See that your desire do not pull you out from your hidden obscure corner shelter. Try to control yourself as much as you can. When you can’t silently suffer , but don’t seek remedy which would in turn bring up a forest of more formidable evils. Utilize the first opportunity of running away   from the temptation  again to your safe corner. Set all worldly considerations aside  making their value a cipher , if thereby you escape a pitfall of your slipping in to the mouth of devilishness. Be prepared to be called a coward , a rough man, a rustic, an idiot or even a mad or a bad man , a vicious man, a faithless man  or even an ungrateful man. People’s good opinion or applause about you is nothing in contrast to your own moral degradation.

In life there are there are many calamities and trying situations. When one has to weigh the worldly benefits  and considerations against one’s spiritual elevation, or debasement , one must invariably decide in favor of spiritual elevation , foregoing all the worldly calculations and future prospects.

Come what may. Don’t leave Mother’s Lotus Feet. You have a right to the Mother’s Feet and Lap. It is enough that you have tried your best not to be pulled out, and that you have again returned. You area again welcome to the safe corner of purity and rest and peace. Run back at the earliest opportunity. Your right living become so interwoven in your life , that  whenever you make  a departure, you are filled with unique uneasiness and confusion. You must be so guile-lessness-stamped in your face that even the dullest man of the world  would detect you out and force you to be driven back to your corner with a little suffering. Develop your mind to be so sensitive  that you yourself can’t remain composed, till you have vomited out your wrong actions, intentions, sins, faults and follies.

I assure you from my personal experience . If you are a devotee, Mother saves you with only a slight reproach and a warning and a little loss. She changes the minds of people . How rarest thing it is to meet a man who make confessions with repentance and resolution  not to repeat the folly ? Mother helps you in such cases most miraculously. It is the Divine arrangement that saints are harassed by the world , even on false accusations  to make them more and more unattached to the world , and to be pulled toward the God.

Nip in the bud, a vicious thought, wish or action. Let the improvement of others be now , only a side activity of your life. Let that infatuation of duty go. A general high sense of duty must be uniform  and of the same intensity and not restricted to wife and children only. Every man has his duty towards God , himself, Universe , parents, brothers and sisters  and neighbors and posterity as well.  Wife and children themselves , although fully mature and discrete , never think about the indispensability by your care and protection, as much as you are dancing about under the name of duty. You have to play your inevitable part alone , with the least attachment.

Every man who has worked hard and gone out of righteousness has  a feeling of disgust  at the end  when he finds and discovers the real mentalities of them  whom he looks upon as helpless dependents and dying without him and as ready for very sacrifice for him, when he sees things incompatible with his life long exertions and expectations.

Your living as a householder or a relinquisher of the family life is a matter of much less importance  than the reality about how you live  every moment of your life . You have to pay off your debts. As soon as you are nearing the mark automatically, all the circumstances of life will  change, to create a position suited to your new requirements.